¿Who are We?
Turismo Exploring Perú
Adventure Travel Operator
We are a tourism company established in Peru in 2014. Currently our main office is located in the Ancash region, we have local operators in the most important places in the interior of Peru with extension to Ecuador and Bolivia.
We provide personalized, efficient, serious and exclusive service for each of our clients. As Operators we have specialized in adventure travel, sale of national tourist packages, international tourist packages, corporate sales, hotel reservations, sale of air tickets and land, national and regional tourist transportation.
We have experience in the development and offering of original tourist programs where every detail has been carefully studied by our travel experts.
The Company
Company Name: Turismo Exploring Perú E.I.R.L.
Trade Name: Exploring Perú
RUC: 20533818987
Main Office: Caserío Conay s/n Distrito Santa Cruz – Huaylas
Mobile Phone: +51 998831355
E-mail: info@exploringperu.com
WEB: www.exploringperu.com
We are supported – Authorization:
SUNAT – National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration
Company Name: Turismo Exploring Perú E.I.R.L.
RUC: 20533818987
Business Name: Exploring Perú
DIRCETUR – ANCASH Regional Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism
Certificate No. 158 – 2016
Santa Cruz – Huaylas District Municipality
Municipal Operating License
License No. 2015 – 001
File No. 140- 2015
Type of License: Permanent
To be a competitive company in the National and International market promoting Peruvian destinations to the entire world, achieving sustained development and growth of our Company.
Turismo Exploring Perú wishes to establish alliances and business relationships with tourism companies that are interested in offering Peru as a tourist destination abroad; We have a single mission to provide quality, safety and guarantee services to our clients, providing them with the best travel and lodging option with the best available rates.